Confession time... it's not my birthday birthday (that's in July!) but it is my Business Birthday: Jordan Lily Designs is officially 1 year old today! 🎂 And what a year it's been! From spending weeks on the beach hunting for sea glass (I'm not complaining!), to taking part in Joanne Hawker's #MarchMeetTheMaker, to launching new products, developing new skills, being accepted to sell on Cheerfully Given, attending workshops, being interviewed by Kernowcraft, to launching even more sparkly jewellery, building my own website, blog and newsletter, even to planning my first craft fair (more details to follow). It has been one heck of a year! Don't get me wrong, these are the highlights, there have been lots of tears, both in my personal and work life, there's been desperate prayers and bouts of imposter syndrome, ill-health and last-minute stressful Post Office dashes galore 😅😭😱 |